Updated by Hongjiang on 10/09/2022
iBiology Lecture:The Connectome and Connectomics: Seeking Neural Circuit Motifs (by Jeff Lichtman)
Established Datasets
"H01" Dataset
A connectomic study of a petascale fragment of human cerebral cortex (bioRxiv)
A 1.4 petabyte rendering of a small sample of human brain tissue by Google & Lichtman Lab.
The H01 sample was imaged at 4nm-resolution by serial section electron microscopy, reconstructed and annotated by automated computational techniques, and analyzed for preliminary insights into the structure of the human cortex.
The dataset comprises imaging data that covers roughly one cubic millimeter of brain tissue, and includes tens of thousands of reconstructed neurons, millions of neuron fragments, 130 million annotated synapses, 104 proofread cells, and many additional subcellular annotations and structures — all easily accessible with the Neuroglancer browser interface.
“Hemibrain” Connectome
A connectome and analysis of the adult Drosophila central brain (eLife)
A highly detailed map of neuronal connectivity in the fly brain, along with a suite of tools for visualization and analysis.
The hemibrain is derived from a 3D image of roughly half the fly brain, and contains verified connectivity between ~25,000 neurons that form more than twenty-million connections.
Allen Institute
Computational Methods for Reconstruction
(2018,Nat.Meth.)Flood-filling Networks
C. Elegans
The C. Elegans in silico. A simulation platform to make good models of complex neuronal activity, starting with a digital worm.
Latest Atlas
(2022,Nat.Meth.)FlyWire *Website